While the search for the official Girls player to the event was confirmed almost immediately with the acceptance of the National Girls Champion – Aqilah Husna Ainul Fikri to participate at the event, the same cannot be said for the Open/Boys event. Current National Junior Open Champion – CM Anderson Ang Ern Jie, has declined the offer perhaps due to the overwhelming number of tournaments that he will have to partake this year. Having returned from the World Junior Chess Championship in Delhi recently, it will be good for him not to overstretch his pace as he prepared for the September showdown at the 45th World Chess Olympiad.
MCF has also received an additional player request for the Girls event in Ashwiniy Kumaran who has agreed to participate.
With PERCASI (Persatuan Catur Seluruh Indonesia) extending the closing date from the original 15th of June 2024, MCF is now opening applications for Open/Boys who are interested to don our Malaysian colors to participate at the event which is scheduled from the 3rd to the 11th of July at Karawachi – Tangerang, Indonesia. The application is open for both the Open/Boys and Girls event with the only exception that the single slot for the Official Girls representative has been filled which leave only the Open/Boys slot to be filled.
As the Official Player to represent a country, full board accommodation will be provided by the organizer throughout the duration of the stay. However, all accompanying persons will have to pay their own accommodation to be at the event. All players and accompanying persons will be responsible to arrange their own flights to Indonesia.
The Registration and Entry Fees to participate at the event will be as per the usual fees of USD100 for everyone attending, and USD75 for Official players and USD150 for Additional players.
Please download the event brochure to learn more about the event:
To apply as the Open/Boys official slot at the tournament, and as additional players, please CLICK HERE or the following link at: https://forms.gle/bXxopRsZvkbcSHsw6