ASIAN JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (Rapid Online) – Application is now closed

As of midnight 8th May 2020, a total of five(5) Junior players have submitted their interest to represent Malaysia in the first ever ASIAN JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (Rapid Online) that is scheduled to run from 27th May 2020 until 3rd June 2020. As the application dates is now closed, MCF will no longer accept any application and will now proceed with the next evaluation process before selecting the most suitable players to represent Malaysia in the historic championship. As per the event invitation, each country can field up to three(3) players to play in the tournament.

While the final details of the championship is yet to be shared by the Asian Chess Federation, MCF will continue to update the chess community on the progress of the event as and when the information becomes available. As the event is played online, players are expected to switch on their webcam during the course of a game, login to zoom application and not allowed to leave their table when playing.

The event will be hosted online via website and players will have to register using their real name as the handle ID to participate. Selected participants will also earn a free membership and the winners will earn Certificates of Achievement awarded by the Asian Chess Federation.