How to Apply for NA Title

The following are required when applying for a NA (National Arbiter) Title.
All applicants must have a FIDE ID and a valid MCF ID before any application can be reviewed for approval.

  1. Complete and Pass the NA Examination set up the Malaysian Chess Federation. Write an email to and provide the following information to request for an NA Exam Passing Certificate.
    • Seminar Date (if applicable)
    • Seminar Venue (Online or Name of Venue)
    • Seminar Organizer
    • Exam Date (When passing the exam)
    • MCF ID Number
    • FIDE ID Number
    • Email Address
    • Contact Number

Once you have received the Certificate, download the NA Application Form by CLICKING HERE, complete the form and submit it together with the following to

  1. The completed NA Form
  2. Payment for RM200 to PERSEKUTUAN CATUR MALAYSIA – CIMB 8000649725
  3. The NA Exam Passing Certificate
  4. One Arbiter Certificate issued by Organizer/Chief Arbiter for a FIDE Rated Event
  5. One Arbiter Certificate issued by Organizer/Chief Arbiter for a Chess Event (with more than 64 players)
    • Item 4 and 5 must be issued by different Organizer/Chief Arbiter in a different event/date
    • Event must have been done within the last 2 years.
    • Arbiter Certificate for events completed BEFORE completing the exam is valid and acceptable

Applicants will be advised if their application is received and accepted within 1 week after submission. MCF will accumulate all application and submit to FIDE once each month.