XTiv Series 3 – Players are advice to check email and click Ready in Tornelo

While email notifications have been sent to those participating in Series 3 of the Xtive event, many are yet to check their email to join the Whatsapp Group and to login into Tornelo (and be in READY mode) to prepare themselves for the event. As many are aware, Series 3 of the Xtiv event is set to start this weekend starting with U12 on Saturday 9:00am followed by Ladies event at 2:30pm on the same day. For Sunday, U18 will start the ball rolling at 9:00am and the Open event to conclude Series 3 starting at 2:30pm

Zoom links for the event will be provided one day before the event starts and players who are not visible in zoom, will be excluded from the category.

Listing for the players in Series 3 are as follows:

Ladies Listing
U12 List