Kedahan TEH RUI GEN and NUR BALQIS SOFEA declared Champions
The 1st National Hybrid Online event continued albeit only 11 Hybrid Centers took part instead of the initial 19 Hybrid Centers that were set up for the event. In its effort to adhere to the SOP set by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and to help curb the spread of the COVID19 pandemic, the Malaysian Chess Federation decided to discontinue the event for Hybrid Centers located within the PKPB area mainly in Klang Valley, Johor and Penang. Addressing the matter during a short meeting with all the Hybrid Center operators and owners two(2) days before the event starts, President Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi thanked the impacted centers for their understanding as to why the MCF has decided not to proceed with the affected areas.
“Chess is progressing so well going into 2021 and has been recognized as one of the more active sports that have survived via internet platform as the spread of the virus is mostly due to environment and human contact. Hence, we do not want chess to be associated as a potential cause for the spread due to players congregating at the Hybrid Center. Further, we also need to adhere to the government requirement and seen as a caring organization that contributes to the well being of the community” – Akhramsyah
Due to the steps made by MCF, the field of 193 confirmed players were reduced by almost half with only 102 player taking part from 11 centers – which included two (2) independent schools that have been set up to host their own internal students. One new center in the form of Setia Chess Club Kuantan, Pahang became the latest addition to the list of Hybrid Centers hosting the Hybrid Online mode event. Batu Pahat 1 and Batu Pahat 2 were also newly setup Hybrid Centers but due to the cancellation, both centers were not able to take part.

Albeit the reduced headcount, the event was still very competitive with players from Kedah (Alor Setar and MRSM Merbok) dominating the field. But all in all, the list of prize winners for both the Open and Girls sections provided a fair distribution of winners from the various centers that took part. The final ranking and prize winners for both sections are displayed below

Full results for the Open/Boys section can be found at
And for the Girls section, the full result can be found at
The next event would be the National Hybrid Online Individual Open Chess Championship with prize fund amounting to RM 8,000 to be given away to the prize winners. While the event has been planned for 5th to 7th February 2021, the exact date is yet to be firmed pending the PKP situation that are rumored to be tightened. Else, MCF may proceed with the current mode with only centers from the PKPP area allowed to participate whilst players from the PKPB area having to adhere to additional ruling and requirement i.e. RTK Antigen testing which will incur additional cost for the players to sign up.

MCF Tournament Director and Secretary Najib Abdul Wahab, thanked his team consisting of Iwan Schani Ibnu – Tornelo Administrator, IA Lim Poay Sim – Chief Arbiter, NA Muhammad Saiful Asyraf Ahmad – Zoom Coordinator, MCF Committee for their support and trust, and all the Hybrid Center Owners and Managers, Arbiters and Assistant Arbiters, Players, Teachers, Parents, Supporters and Fans for providing undivided support, assistance, cooperation and teamwork in making this 2nd Hybrid Event a success. Thank you everyone
Looking forward for the 1st National Hybrid Online Individual Open Chess Championship 2020 as MCF next official Hybrid event.
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