At its recent Committee Meeting recently, the President of the Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) – Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, has agreed to host an open discussion session with Parents and Organizers who would like to voice their ideas, concerns, comments and/or feedback including improvement plans and programs, with the Federation on matters that the chess community is facing.
The session is called B&BTTS – “Buat & Bawa Teh Tarik Sendiri” because it will be hosted online (via zoom – and at the comfort of your home), and open to all Organizers and Parents to join – but at separate sessions. Both Organizers and Parents sessions are planned on the same day – Tuesday, 31st August 2021, with the Parents session to be held starting at 3:00pm, and the Organizers session to be held later at night from 9:00pm.
Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi
Organizers and Parents who are interest to join the B&BTTS Open Discussion Session are required to register their interest prior to joining. Although the session will be FREE TO BE ATTENDED by anyone, the number of seats will be limited as such, priority will be given to those on a “first come first serve basis”.
The idea of having the Open Discussion session came about when the President and the Committee was addressing one of the more recent issues regarding KPM retraction of the PAJSK certification which caused some organizers to cry foul as the move had impacted their planning and costing in running some of their events that have been planned. Aside form addressing similar issues that are impacting the community, the session will also be used to is to discuss and to share/bounce ideas from the community (and the committee vice versa) on the activities and programs that can be done to further improve and develop chess in the country.
Session for the Parents will start at 3:00pm. Please register your interest by clicking on the following link.
Session for the Organizers will start at 9:00pm. Please register your interest by clicking on the following link.
Closing date to register will be 29th August 2021 and the Zoom Link will be sent to selected email address by 10:00am, 31st August 2021. The registration will require Parents/Organizers to answer some questions to allow MCF to better understand your background and nature of your involvement within the community.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to meeting some of you at the B&BTTS session next week on Merdeka Day.