As MCF begins to accept a steady flow of applicants eager to join the 1st National Individual Rapid Online Chess Championship, the organizer has also received questions about the schedule, timing and whether or not players must use laptop and webcams in order to join. Although the initial plan was to confirm the schedule only after the number of entries are confirmed, the following proposed schedule should not differ much from the final one:

In the event that there are less than 64 players enrolled in the event, the championship will proceed directly with the Final Rounds on 24th and 25th October where all the 64 players will play a single nine (9) rounds Swiss event.
On how to set up the webcam and computer during the event, and how to submit the score to the Arbiters, please download the following document by clicking HERE: MCF Setup Guidelines for Playing from Home
On the more detailed Regulations of the 1st National Individual Online Rapid Chess Championship 2020, please download the following documents by clicking HERE: National Individual Online – Regulations.
Another reminder, the closing date shall be 8th October 2020 with the final listing of the players to be confirmed and divided into the two (2) groups by 11th October 2020. MCF will strive to start publishing the list of all players participating (as and when the player registers) starting from 1st October 2020.