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Due to the limited number of responses received for the Standard Age Group event that has been planned for February, it is with our deep regret that MCF has to cancel both the U8 and U10 Standard events that were planned.
On the flipside, MCF will keep the dates for the U12 tournament on the 26th and 27th of April and the U14 event as planned on the 3rd and 4th of May 2025.
Be on the look out for the announcement to register!

In our effort to produce a mire quality and knowledgeable chess Arbiters to support the growth of chess in Malaysia, MCF will continue to organize the NA Seminar on a quarterly basis starting with the 1st series on the 8th and the 9th of March 2024 at its office in Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan.
MCF will also organize a separate session to teach Arbiters and those who are keen to explore and learn the effective use of Swiss Manager, planned for the 22nd and 23rd of March to be held at the same place.
Fees are set at RM250 for NA Seminars (with 20% discounts for school teachers) and RM200 for the Swiss Manager Master Class.

MCC 2025
The highly anticipated MCC2025 which was earlier scheduled to be held in Pontian, will make its way back to the Klang Valley. While maintaining the same dates and format, MCF hopes to secure the venue from a possible host later next week.
For MCC2025, the top 3 players will be offered a chance to participate in a Malaysian Masters Round Robin which will pit the best 10 Men and Women players to battle for a guaranteed prize fund of RM10k. The Malaysian Masters is by invitation only and is schedule sometime in May or June 2025.
The last Malaysian Masters was held in 2012 at Wilayah Complex, Kuala Lumpur
Be on the look out for more news on the MCC2025

MCF Calendar for 2025
The Malaysian Chess Federation has outlined and identified most if not all the activities and programs that have been lined up for 2025. New events which were introduced in 2024 such as the PMX Trophy and the Interschool events will continue to be organized for 2025. And new events for 2025 that are being planned will be the Corporate Day Team Tournament (which was planned last year but postponed) and the Open Team Rapid event to be held during the Merdeka Day weekend.
MCF Office Location – Where To Find Us
Since September 2024, MCF has opened its official office located at Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Managed by a small group of volunteers and committee members, the office serves as MCF center of activities for weekend events, Seminars and a Meeting place.
Since its inception, the office has hosted and organized several Age Group events, Standard events, Quarterly Blitz, NA Seminars and Swiss Manager Classes.
+6011.6262.4377 (WhatsApp)
+6016.338.2542 (Secretariat)
+6016.343.6911 (Inquiries)
+6017.564.5183 (CIO)