MCF Appointment



The newly elected MCF committee for 2019/2021 had its first committee meeting earlier this month to kick start its administrative matters under the new leadership of its 6th President, Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi. The meeting was attended by all the newly elected members – including two outstation members who attended via teleconference channel.

One of the agenda for the meeting was to reconfirm the appointment of Najib Abdul Wahab as MCF Secretary General alongside Emran Mohd Tamil as its Treasurer, both of which were announced during Akhram’s Presidential acceptance speech at the conclusion of the recent Annual General Meeting.

As per requirement by the Constitution, the committee also took some time to deliberate on the appointment of its Vice President for Women’s Affairs, an Assistant Secretary and a committee position which is now vacant due to Najib’s appointment as Secretary General.

For the post of Vice President for Women’s Affair, the President with the agreement from the committee, appointed Madam See Swee Sie of Penang to take up the vacant position. Madam See is no stranger to the Penang Chess Community having taken over as the President for the Penang Chess Association since 2016.

For the post of Assistant Secretary, the President and the committee agreed to the appointment of Iwan Schani Ibnu as proposed by Najib, in order to help him out in managing the Federation’s daily affairs. For those who may not know Iwan, he is best known as an up and coming young organiser who is the mastermind behind the IPT FIDE Rated Tour which had recently concluded its 2019 series. On record, Iwan is probably the youngest person ever to hold a position in MCF main committee and his youth should be able to assist MCF in exploring and managing the younger and more vibrant chess market.

The committee also agreed to accept IM Mok Tze Meng to fill up the vacant position as MCF committee member to replace Najib. This would be Mok’s second stint in MCF as he had also held the same position during Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib tenure as President.

The President and the committee also confirmed the appointments of Chairmen for the various Sub Committee as allowed by the Constitution as follows:

Both Tengku Ahmad Badli Shah and Zaidan maintained their previous positions as Chairman of Financial Committee and Chairman of Tournament Committee respectively, with IA Steven Cheong also maintaining his previous role as the Rating Officer.

As MCF Committee meeting is held on a monthly basis, the next meeting will be scheduled sometime in the first week of October.