The Malaysian Chess Federation looks to reimburse almost RM50k to all 15 State Affiliates for FIDE IDs registered, created and approved from September 2022 to August 2023. This is the 3rd payout made by the Malaysian Chess Federation since the ideas was introduced and approved by the previous MCF Committee in 2018.
When the current MCF Committee with President – Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, took over the helm in 2019, the newly minted committee decided to honor the promised and policy created by the earlier MCF Committee despite having to deal with an immense negative account balance. Both the first and second payout was made in 2022 amounting to more than RM 25k, a much lower amount contributed due to the significantly reduced events impacted by the COVID19 pandemic.
Since 2020, MCF has channeled almost RM100k to State Affiliates via Annual Grants (introduced in 2021 and continued in 2023), FIDE ID payouts (started in 2022), and National level events organized by State Affiliates (Inter State in Sabah in 2022 and the upcoming in Perlis in 2023, and the Seniors event organized by KLCA last month).
MCF would like to express its thanks to all State Affiliates for the cooperation and support rendered towards MCF activities and programs. As the curtain closure for 2023 gradually draws nearer, MCF hopes that 2024 will bring in new hope and a brighter future for chess development and improvement. With a more interesting calendar begins to take shape – Commonwealth, 100 years FIDE celebration and Rewards and Recognition Dinner celebration, there will be many more events and improvement in store for 2024 for everyone to be a part of.