With the top three winners from the MCC event qualified automatically for the Olympiad bound squad to Budapest, many are wondering who will be filling up the balance 2 players slots in the Open and Women team. And the answer was finalized yesterday.
For the Open Team, the top three(3) finishers from the MCC2024 event – FM Wong Jianwen, Muhammad Syakir Shazmeer Azhar and Kavin Mohan, will be joined by youngsters CM Tan Jun Ying and CM Anderson Ang Ern Jie – both of whom are seasoned players who have been active in the local and international tournaments.

For the Women Team, with WIM Puteri Munajjah Az Zahraa, WCM Nithyalakashmi Sivanesan and WFM Tan Li Ting earning their spots via MCC2024, the will be joined by WFM Puteri Rifqah Fahada and a relatively “rookie” Nur Uzma Bazilah Mohd Tarmizi. All the additional players – including those for the Open Team, were selected and evaluated by the Selection Committee from a field of more than 20 applicants.

At MCF Committee meeting last night, the commitee agreed to elect FM Sumant Subramaniam as the Team Captain/Manager for the Ladies Team, and Muhammad Firdaus Ismail for the Open Team. For the Budapest contingent, they will be led by MCF Secretary – FA Najib Abdul Wahab, who will act as their Head of Delegation.

President Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah and Vice President Muammar Julkarnain will also be joining the team for FIDE Congress as MCF official Delegates.
For now, MCF is making the necessary preparation to register the team for the Olympiad, with additional effort being made to get the team to be trained and ready for the biannual event.
All the best to our Olympiad Team!
GOOD LUCK – Malaysia Boleh!