Month: January 2021

  • HYBRID events can now be FIDE Rated….

    Good news for Chess Players…. FIDE Rated Hybrid Events will be the way moving forward In its move to revolutionize Online chess via Hybrid mode, FIDE has approved for all Hybrid Online events to be eligible for FIDE Rated event equal to that of the traditional Over-The-Board (OTB) events. The interesting news can be found…

  • Get Well Soon YB Dato Zahidi!

    With news confirming YB Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin has tested positive for COVID19, Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) President – Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, and its Committee, extends their warm thoughts and prayers for the former MCF President to get well soon. Currently being treated at the Sungai Buloh Hospital, Datuk Zahidi was tested positive after…

  • Hybrid Event Completed – Junior U20 Open and Girls Chess Championship 2020

    Kedahan TEH RUI GEN and NUR BALQIS SOFEA declared Champions The 1st National Hybrid Online event continued albeit only 11 Hybrid Centers took part instead of the initial 19 Hybrid Centers that were set up for the event. In its effort to adhere to the SOP set by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and…

  • A Good Start to 2021

    MCF concluded its Training Program yesterday and things were abuzz at Traju Chess Center in Putrajaya when players, officials, tv crew, production crew and reporters congregate to highlight the closing of MCF National Training Program. In an interview aired by ASTRO Nadi Arena last night, Head Coach FM Sumant Subramaniam was delighted that the National…


    Due to overwhelming response and limited space with the Hybrid Centers, the Malaysian Chess Federation has decided to close the Registration for the Hybrid event one day earlier and will not accept anymore applications. Currently, MCF has 16 Hybrid Centers all over the country and 2 independent Hybrid centers set up by 2 independent schools…